
Illuminating architecture: the power of optics in lighting design

In the world of architecture, the interplay between light and space defines the ambiance and...

Architect Spits chooses vektron for a unique refuge in Liège

"Design a private universe in which we can retreat from the daily rat race without much effort."...

Capitol Tower: Illuminating Innovation in Downtown Houston, USA

Capitol Tower, an architectural masterpiece envisioned by Gensler, stands tall as a beacon of...

Interior lighting: sometimes more expensive makes perfect sense

In interior design, lighting fixtures have evolved from rather functional elements to showpieces...

Discover the many advantages of vektron climate ceilings

(vektron is not available in the USA) The architectural climate ceilings from vektron integrate...

From an old sweet factory to a stunning and exclusive, urban office building

With custom-made kreon luminaires Dieter Vander Velpen Architects achieved a remarkable...

The kreon sustainability plan: step by step to a cleaner world

Without a long-term vision, there can't be sustainable results. We apply this philosophy to the...